Dental bonding is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in the Mt. Vernon area, but there are many patients who don’t know exactly what it is or when it is useful to have the procedure done. Today in the Alexandria Dental Blog, we explain 7 ways dental bonding is used in cosmetic dentistry.
The dental bonding procedure uses a resin material that is sturdy and tooth-colored. It is applied to the teeth while soft, like putty, and then hardened or set with a special light. The material bonds with the tooth and can then be shaped and polished.
Dentists will usually consider the option of bonding when 1) decayed, 2) chipped, or 3) cracked teeth need to be repaired.
4) Large spaces between teeth can be filled with bonding material, and 5) roots can be protected by bonding after gums recede.
6) Discolored teeth can also be improved using the bonding process, and, since the material is easily shaped, teeth can be made to 7) look longer or just have the general shape changed. Bonding is often used, along with teeth whitening, when having a smile makeover.
Hi. We’re Drs. Geren & Mady, of Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry in Alexandria. We want our patients to have the best oral health possible. We also want them to look their best, and our practice, Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry, offers the following services:
cosmetic dentistry
sedation dentistry
dental implants
dental crowns
And more! So, if you are in the Mt. Vernon or Alexandria area and are in need of dental care or have cosmetic dentistry questions, please give us a call at 703-360-5881.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Drs. Geren & Mady
Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry
8101 Hinson Farm Rd Ste 114
Alexandria, Virginia
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