Gritting Your Teeth: Stress And Your Smile

Alexandria how stress hurts your teeth

Doctors have been telling us for years that stress can increase the risk of everything from high blood pressure to depression. But how often do we think about how stress impacts our smile? Here are some dental problems linked to stress.

Canker and Cold Sores
Cold sores are a symptom of the herpes simplex virus. Scientists don’t know exactly what causes canker sores but suspect they are related to infection, virus, or a weak immune system. If you are prone to mouth sores, you probably already know that stress seems to bring them on or prolong healing times. If you frequently get these sores, speak with your doctor or dentist. Your healthcare provider can advise you on medications, diet, and stress reduction techniques.

Teeth Grinding

It’s no surprise that teeth grinding (bruxism) is bad for teeth. It starts with enamel wear, then loose teeth, and eventually tooth loss. During this progression, there may be other issues such as gum recession, headaches, and TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders). If you grind your teeth, it’s critical to address this condition as soon as possible. In addition to stress, there are many factors that can cause or exacerbate bruxism. These include: malocclusion (bad bite), sleep apnea, and prescription depression and anxiety medications.

Your dentist may prescribe an appliance to protect your teeth and keep your jaw in the proper position while you are sleeping. Other treatments include cognitive behavior therapy, relaxation therapies, mandibular advancement devices, physical therapy, and medication. Your dentist can create a treatment plan and work with you and your doctor to manage or eliminate this condition.

Temporomandibular Disorders
There are many direct and indirect causes of TMD. For example, inability to manage stress may cause jaw clenching which, in turn, causes pain in the jaw joint. Other symptoms of TMD include tenderness, pain, or swelling in the neck, ear, face, or shoulder; popping or clicking sounds; and changes in bite alignment. Again, if you experience any of these, communicate with your dentist.

Gum Disease
Stress can reduce your ability to fight plaque build-up which can cause gum disease.

Oral Hygiene
Some people miss brushing and flossing when life becomes difficult.

It’s not uncommon for people to consume more sugar, snack more often between meals, or drink more alcoholic beverages when experiencing increased stress. All this at a time when vigilant oral hygiene is often not a person’s first priority!

Tooth pain and untreated dental troubles will only give you something else to worry about. Let’s nip this vicious cycle in the bud.

We are Drs. Geren & Mady. If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while and are experiencing an unusually stressful period, we invite you to schedule an appointment by calling Mt. Vernon Center For Dentistry at 703-360-5881. Let’s determine the status of your oral health, schedule treatment if required, and create a plan to restore and maintain a healthy smile.

Remember, a healthy smile will give you one less thing to worry about.

Contact Mt. Vernon Center For Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

8101 Hinson Farm Rd Ste 114
Alexandria, VA

Alexandria dentists, Dr. James Geren and Dr. Zeyad Mady, of Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry, provide provide exceptional cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, sedation dentistry, family dentistry and more for the Alexandria and Mount Vernon, VA area, including the communities of Woodbridge, Fort Belvoir, Newington, Old Town, Franconia, Rose Hill, Lorton, Huntington and Groveton, Virginia and zip codes 22306, 22308, and 22309.
Office Hours: Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry
Mon 8:00am-5:00pm
Tue 7:00am-3:00pm
Wed 7:00am-3:00pm
Thu 7:00am-3:00pm
Fri 7:00am-12:00pm
Open Every Friday
Center for Dental Anesthesia
Mon 7:00am-3:00pm
Tue 7:00am-3:00pm
Wed 7:00am-3:00pm
Thu 7:00am-3:00pm
Fri 7:00am-12:00pm
Open Every Other Friday


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