Not Your Mother’s Jewelry: 5 Reasons Tongue Piercings Are Dangerous

lip piercings Alexandria

In this post from the Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry in Alexandria, we’ll get right to the point. While tongue, cheek, and lip piercings are popular and even commonplace, there are lots of reasons to keep piercings where they belong—in your ears. Here are five really good ones:

  • Excessive drooling—YIKES!
  • Chipped teeth
  • Infection (some even in places you wouldn’t think can get infected)
  • Hypersensitivity to metal
  • Nerve damage


Lip and tongue piercings may make you look cool and edgy. They may express your personality and creativity. But they can cause frequent drooling. That may not be the look you’re going for.

Chipped Teeth

Having any metal in your mouth can chip your teeth. It could  happen while eating, drinking, or sleeping.

Do you already have a tooth that’s weakened? These cracks can then be repaired before further damage or decay occurs.


Beware of infection. When it comes to oral piercings, you have to really watch the pierced area. Your mouth is teeming with bacteria. Upon piercing anything in your mouth, the bacteria can enter your bloodstream. Neglecting proper brushing habits can lead to infection. So can touching the piercing with dirty hands.

Hypersensitivity or Allergic Reaction to Metal

Many people love body jewelry. But too much of a good thing (like metal) can be bad. Having metal piercings can lead to hypersensitivity to any metal in your mouth, such as silverware. This is problematic for most people.

There is also the risk of an allergic reaction at the piercing site. If you know of a sensitivity to certain metals, you can get your piercing in a metal you aren’t allergic to. But you are still at risk of the other hazards discussed here.

Nerve Damage

Finally, there’s the risk of permanent nerve damage. If the previous dangers don’t convince you, this one should. Experiencing a numb tongue is usually temporary. But in extreme cases, it can be permanent

At Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry in Alexandria, we understand the popularity of oral piercings. But fashions change, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Our services include family and restorative dentistry. Schedule your next checkup with us today!

Contact Mt. Vernon Center For Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

8101 Hinson Farm Rd Ste 114
Alexandria, Virginia

ArticleID 8156
Alexandria dentists, Dr. James Geren and Dr. Zeyad Mady, of Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry, provide provide exceptional cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, sedation dentistry, family dentistry and more for the Alexandria and Mount Vernon, VA area, including the communities of Woodbridge, Fort Belvoir, Newington, Old Town, Franconia, Rose Hill, Lorton, Huntington and Groveton, Virginia and zip codes 22306, 22308, and 22309.
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Tue 7:00am-3:00pm
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Thu 7:00am-3:00pm
Fri 7:00am-12:00pm
Open Every Friday
Center for Dental Anesthesia
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