Quirky Dental Facts That May Surprise You

Alexandria cosmetic dental and tooth implants

In this post from The Mt. Vernon Center For Dentistry in Alexandria, we’re taking a slightly different appraoch and shainge some fun facts about dentistry. Enjoy!

  • Many dental patients are aware that before there was formal dental training and licensing, barbers often performed dental procedures. But did you know that blacksmiths also moonlighted as dentists? How would you like your dental visit to involve tools used to hammer hot metal?
  • The Mayans were accomplished cosmetic dentists. One smile style in Mayan culture was bejeweled teeth – a procedure that involved the drilling of holes to embed precious gems. That’s a grill with major bling!
  • The average human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime. That is enough to fill up two swimming pools. (Not a very pleasant image, right?)
  • Nylon toothbrush bristles weren’t introduced until 1938. Prior to that, pig hair was a common bristle material. (“Mom, my toothbrush smells like bacon!”)
  • A popular toothache treatment in medieval Germany was to kiss a donkey. There is no evidence that it actually worked and it is unknown if the same remedy was used by donkeys.
  • Every person’s tongue is unique – just like a fingerprint.
  • In medieval Japan, black teeth were considered appealing. Style-conscious women used roots to stain their teeth.

At The Mt. Vernon Center For Dentistry in Alexandria, you won’t find pig hair, donkeys, or anvils. You will find complete family and cosmetic dentistry, and a staff committed to dental excellence. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Contact Mt. Vernon Center For Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

8101 Hinson Farm Rd Ste 114
Alexandria, Virginia

ArticleID 6749
Alexandria dentists, Dr. James Geren and Dr. Zeyad Mady, of Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry, provide provide exceptional cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, sedation dentistry, family dentistry and more for the Alexandria and Mount Vernon, VA area, including the communities of Woodbridge, Fort Belvoir, Newington, Old Town, Franconia, Rose Hill, Lorton, Huntington and Groveton, Virginia and zip codes 22306, 22308, and 22309.
Office Hours: Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry
Mon 8:00am-5:00pm
Tue 7:00am-3:00pm
Wed 7:00am-3:00pm
Thu 7:00am-3:00pm
Fri 7:00am-12:00pm
Open Every Friday
Center for Dental Anesthesia
Mon 7:00am-3:00pm
Tue 7:00am-3:00pm
Wed 7:00am-3:00pm
Thu 7:00am-3:00pm
Fri 7:00am-12:00pm
Open Every Other Friday


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