Stick Out Your Tongue!

Mt. Vernon oral cancer exams As health professionals, we know that dentists diagnose and treat conditions of the teeth and gums, but we sometimes overlook the importance of the tongue.

Have you ever considered all the amazing things your tongue can do? It helps us talk, perceive the texture and flavor of food, chew, and swallow. This strong and nimble gymnast is in near-constant motion during our waking hours. It is a wonder that we don’t accidentally bite it more often as we smile, chew, drink, breathe, swallow, cough, and laugh.

Your tongue can also reveal problems with your health, including digestive problems, infections, and diseases of the blood.

When Drs. Geren & Mady performs oral exams, the tongue is always checked for signs of oral cancer and other serious diseases.

Here are some tongue abnormalities and possible causes:

  • Swollen tongue: reaction to food/drink/medication, strep infection, leukemia, hypothyroidism
  • White tongue: dehydration, yeast infection, irritation to tobacco, enteritis, gastritis, colitis, anemia or other nutritional deficiency
  • Canker sores: may be triggered by stress or reaction to food, toothpaste, or mouthwash.

If you have persistent canker sores, you may want to try eliminating products that contain sodium lauryl (or laurel) sulfate (SLS). SLS is a cheap foaming agent that is found in many personal care products. It can be difficult to find SLS-free dental products in Mt. Vernon. The following brands have previously offered SLS-free versions but check labels carefully every time you buy a new tube. I have noticed that SLS has re-appeared in some brands.

  • Biotene
  • Sensodyne Pronamel
  • Tom’s of Maine
  • Rembrandt Low Abrasion

If you can’t find an SLS-free toothpaste at your grocery store, I would suggest trying health food stores, specialty drug stores, or trusted online sites.

Many of my Mt. Vernon patients have asked me about tongue-scraping. I recommend thorough dental hygiene including cleaning the tongue. To schedule a consultation to discuss any dental health issues including tongue scraping, please contact my office at 703-360-5881.

Contact Mt. Vernon Center For Dentistry: 703-360-5881

Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

8101 Hinson Farm Rd Ste 114
Alexandria, Virginia

Alexandria dentists, Dr. James Geren and Dr. Zeyad Mady, of Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry, provide provide exceptional cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, sedation dentistry, family dentistry and more for the Alexandria and Mount Vernon, VA area, including the communities of Woodbridge, Fort Belvoir, Newington, Old Town, Franconia, Rose Hill, Lorton, Huntington and Groveton, Virginia and zip codes 22306, 22308, and 22309.
Office Hours: Mt. Vernon Center for Dentistry
Mon 8:00am-5:00pm
Tue 7:00am-3:00pm
Wed 7:00am-3:00pm
Thu 7:00am-3:00pm
Fri 7:00am-12:00pm
Open Every Friday
Center for Dental Anesthesia
Mon 7:00am-3:00pm
Tue 7:00am-3:00pm
Wed 7:00am-3:00pm
Thu 7:00am-3:00pm
Fri 7:00am-12:00pm
Open Every Other Friday


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